Farmers of the World Unite

Over the past few weeks the major news story not to make the fake stream media is the Farmer’s protests in Holland.

Like the Canadian Freedom Trucker’s movement, farmers are coming out across the country with tractors and heavy machinery to blockade roads, spray manure on government offices and basically do everything they can to push back on catastrophic government mandates which, while ostensibly something to do with “climate change” and reducing pollution, certainly hide other agendas more to do with taking over the food supply and expropriating land. Whatever the real reasons, they are not good, and will surely lead to rising food prices and shortages across Europe.

Having just seen the Sri Lankan government fall to mass protests as a result of very similar “green” policies, there are real fears the same globalist policies, stemming from UN Agenda 2030, will be aggressively implemented across the world, creating a kind of global Holodomor, perhaps with the deliberate intention of reducing world population.

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